Goal setting for weight management. - Bean

Managing your weight doesn’t need to be an incredibly difficult challenge. Here at Bean we make it easy! Often, the problem for many is the absence of a realistic structured plan to deliver success. In managing weight and maintaining our weight loss, a plan that includes small behavioural changes are required for success.

Setting goals is one of the most important steps in creating your plan. The first, and most important step, is committing to your long-term body weight goal. In order to ensure that you set a realistic and achievable long-term goal you should first answer the following questions:

1. Is the challenge important to me? – Oh yes!
2. Do I have the time to commit to the planning, preparation and delivery of the challenge? – Before you say No – THINK AGAIN! Bean is only 15 mins 3 times a week to see great progress
3. Do I have the resources to deliver success? – Do you have a phone? Then Yes, you have Bean and that’s all the resource you need!

ANSWERING ‘YES’ to each of these questions is crucial if you are to set a meaningful and achievable long-term goal.

Breaking down you challenges in smaller, more manageable steps is the key to success. Each step creates a short-term goal with the combination of a number of steps creating a medium-term goal.

Having established your goals the next step is to adopt the SMART model

S – specific, significant, stretching
M – measurable, meaningful, motivational
A – agreed upon, achievable, action-orientated
R – relevant, results-orientated, rewarding
T – time-bound, timely, trackable

With your goals set you can begin your challenge, but remember – strive for progress, not perfection.

Reflecting on your performance is a key process in optimising your goal setting. Whether you are successful or unsuccessful in delivering your short-term goal you should reflect on those elements that went well and those that could be improved. Improving on weaknesses will ultimately enhance your delivery of success. Remember, Failure is only failure if you fail to learn and adapt.

When you are successful in delivering a short- or medium-term goal make sure you celebrate. You’ve proved your ability to deliver success in the long-term – you should be proud! And don’t forget – sharing your achievement on social media which will attract positive messages from friends adding to your sense of achievement.

Goal setting is central to success. Making sure you take the time at the outset to establish your long-, medium- and short-term goals and adapting your goals along the way will optimise the delivery of your weight management goals.